A year ago, component relations professionals (CRPs) and chapter leaders turned their focus to virtual chapter meetings. Now, as the vaccine rolls out across the country, the focus is shifting again as the potential for in-person meetings becomes a possibility for chapters in 2021.
New questions are arising as CRPs figure out what advice or directives to give to chapters. Should chapters plan on in-person events and meetings this year? Can they provide a safe experience? Will members be ready? Is hybrid a viable option?
Like you, we had more questions than answers so we turned to one of the brightest minds we know on association and chapter events, Aaron Wolowiec, CAE, CMP (and holder of many other credentials), the CEO of Event Garde, a professional development and meetings consulting firm.
We got right down to it. When does Aaron think in-person meetings will (or should) return? “Chapters want a return to normalcy and members want to see each other, so chapters are pushing for events sooner rather than later.” He sees some organizations planning events for the May to August window, but thinks they’re being overly optimistic.
“Healthy skepticism is needed right now,” he said. “The rosy picture they’re painting is not what reality is dictating. Is it possible to have summer events? Yes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if in-person events don’t return more fully until the fourth quarter of 2021.”
“When” is the big question for chapters and CRPs. Texas just revoked all COVID restrictions. Other states may follow suit. Aaron said, “Being open doesn’t necessarily mean we should move forward with in-person events.” The decision should take several factors into consideration.
First, it depends on the chapter’s constituents. Younger, healthy people may not have access to the vaccine until the summer (or early fall if we run into rollout complications), but some professions will get vaccinated well before then.
What is the venue’s safety protocol? For guidance on questions to ask venues, Aaron suggests consulting the Safe Meetings e-book developed by members of the Michigan Society of Association Executives along with other event professionals.
Consider your audience’s access to the vaccine, their comfort level in attending an in-person event, and their employer’s stance on event attendance. Ask members:
“The wait-and-see game—waiting to make a final decision 30 days out from the meeting—is not a good approach. It puts too much stress on chapters, planners, and attendees.” Aaron said it’s better to make early decisions (90 days out or more) about the events on a chapter’s calendar. “An early decision settles uncertainty and allows time for proper planning.”
Aaron suggested chapters be overly cautious and plan for only virtual events through the third quarter of 2021. “The responsible thing to do is to make the decision to pull the plug on in-person events for now and make the best of it. Yes, you will disappoint some people, but a last-minute conversion to virtual won’t provide as good an attendee experience.”
Like the rest of you, hybrid is weighing on Aaron’s mind. He suggested these areas of focus when making event decisions and plans.
To make the best decision about event format, first identify your goals for each audience—virtual and in-person. “Don’t assume they’re the same goals you had for past events. Identify the event elements and experiences you want to offer each audience. Understand where there’s overlap and where there’s divergence. Let these goals guide the program format.”
A chapter’s goal might be to:
“You can’t have it all—the usual event elements. You can’t do the exact same thing you did at the traditional event.” Aaron said your goals help you distinguish what to prioritize and what to let fall away.
“Chapters can easily fall into the copy and paste trap. Copy and paste is easy for volunteers. But they can’t copy and paste right now; the copy machine is broken.” Instead, chapters must get clear on which traditional program elements help you achieve your new goals, and which program elements are missing.
Think about the experience you want to provide to attendees at home and attendees on site. Does the virtual audience have the tolerance for a low-tech experience, or do they have high-tech expectations? Is it acceptable to merely livestream a speaker via Zoom? Do you want to provide a passive viewing experience like that to your virtual audience? Perhaps it worked last spring, but the bar may be higher now.
With a hybrid event, Aaron said you’re essentially planning two (or even three) events at the same time with limited resources. Providing support to both audiences is a heavier volunteer lift than planning and hosting an in-person or virtual event.
“Rapid succession of events is a good alternative game plan to the traditional hybrid meeting. Plan a virtual program for Tuesday and a deeper-dive in-person workshops for Wednesday or a week later, whatever works best for your audience.”
Aaron suggested creating opportunities to integrate the two event audiences. “Find creative ways to bridge the two events. For example, attendees who meet virtually can do an activity that informs the in-person audience later.” Over time, share the virtual highlights with those who attended in-person.
Chapter leaders are not professional event planners. We know most CRPs aren’t either, but you can help chapters make the wisest decisions about returning to in-person or hybrid events.
What’s the outlook for in-person chapter events in 2021 and how do we help chapter leaders decide whether to host an in-person, hybrid, or virtual event?
For nearly a year, CRPs and chapter leaders have focused on virtual. As the vaccine rolls out across the country, the focus is shifting to when chapters can resume in-person meetings (and indeed some already have). But should chapters plan on in-person meetings this year? Can they provide a safe experience? Will members be ready? What about hybrid—the word on everyone’s mind? Is that a viable possibility?
Like you, we had more questions than answers so we tapped one of the brightest minds we know on association and chapter events. Join us as we provide expert advice on how to help chapters make the right event decisions.
Chapter leaders are eager to get back to in-person meetings. But are in-person events a responsible and viable option for the near future? CRPs want to help chapters make the right decisions and provide the support chapters need to host safe events when the time is right. What is the best way to approach this thorny issue?
To get the guidance CRPs and chapters are seeking, we tapped the expertise of Aaron Wolowiec, CAE, CMP, the CEO of Event Garde, a professional development and meetings consulting firm. We felt a lot better after talking with him, and we hope you do too.
Chapter leaders must consider prospective attendees’ access to the vaccine, their comfort level in attending an in-person event, and their employer’s stance on event attendance.
Above all, chapters must know whether their venue and attendees can adhere to safety standards and protocols. The Safe Meetings e-book, developed by members of the Michigan Society of Association Executives along with other event professionals, provides advice and resources for making these decisions and hosting in-person events.
Aaron said some venues, such as larger chain hotels with corporate safety standards, are well-positioned to host events. “But you can never make assumptions about a venue’s capability. You must ask questions. Some venues are more ready than others.”
Aaron suggests chapter leaders do this exercise before deciding to host an in-person event. “It will test their tolerance for potential consequences,” he said. Ask chapter leaders to draft the email they’ll send to attendees after finding out someone at the event tested positive for COVID. “If you don’t have the stomach for that email, don’t proceed with the event.”
Chapter leaders are well intentioned and eager to get their members back together. They know their audience, venue, and community but Aaron said, “they’re not as plugged into the reality of meeting during COVID.” CRPs, however, are plugged in; it’s your job.
You have access to the advice of event professionals at your association and in your professional network. You can get your hands on an overwhelming amount of information about the legal implications of events, health and safety protocols, and industry trends—information chapter leaders need to know. “But what volunteer wants to read all that?” asked Aaron.
Aaron said, “CRPs must be curators of resources. Don’t provide a list of public health websites for chapter leaders to wade through. You’re putting the burden on them to take the time to review all this information and figure out what’s relevant—that’s not helpful.”
Instead, Aaron suggests preparing a safe meetings toolkit for your chapters that includes the questions they should ask a venue before signing a contract or moving forward with a contracted event. The resources in the Michigan Safe Meetings e-book and this information from Associations Now can help you develop content for a chapter toolkit:
The toolkit should also include a crisis communication plan. “CRPs and their associations understandably worry about seeing their name and logo in the media when a chapter ends up hosting a super-spreader incident,” said Aaron. Describe roles, responsibilities, and lines of communication if something goes wrong. “Chapters need a post-event procedure to follow if they have to report issues to attendees and the venue. They can’t rely solely on public health departments to do that for them.”
Develop templates for chapters. “Don’t make chapter volunteers design their signs. Instead, provide standard templates for signs related to safety procedures. Volunteer leaders shouldn’t have to start from scratch and figure it out themselves.” Include other useful samples, such as a script for opening announcements, floor plans, and code of conduct.
“Anticipate where chapters may need and want a heavy hand from HQ.” Your association can play a useful role as enforcer if chapter volunteers are feeling the heat from less COVID-cooperative members.
Aaron said, “The novelty of virtual events has passed. Members may have virtual fatigue along with heightened expectations. The old formula won’t carry chapters forward. Virtual programs must be intentionally designed for their audience, but the problem is, chapters generally aren’t instructional design experts.”
Aaron advised helping chapter leaders understand why they need to rethink program design. Here’s where CRPs can step in. You and your event/education colleagues can provide basic training on engaging event design. Spend a few hours with chapter leaders helping them think about a new framework for their events.
“Encourage them to try new ways of delivering virtual education and networking experiences, but remember it’s difficult for chapters to come up with new models on their own. Do that for them.”
Aaron suggested CRPs act like a clearinghouse. “Collect stories about what’s working for other chapters. Don’t assume successful chapters will debrief their peers on your community platform. Take the lead by interviewing chapter leaders, finding out what resources they wished they had, and sharing their practices across the chapter network.”
When a chapter leader developed a methodical and successful approach for planning golf tournaments, the Community Associations Institute talked to him and shared the details in a webinar for their chapter leaders.
Technology is another challenge for chapters. “Let them know Zoom is not the only option. Event technology is constantly evolving. Introduce them to other tools, like proximity chat.” Proximity chat platforms host a virtual environment, typically a room with tables, where attendees (represented by avatars or icons) can move between conversations, hearing only the people who are nearby. A few popular ones are Remo, Wonder, and Gather.
“Chapter leaders are in a constant state of overwhelm. Don’t expect them to research new technology. Share information about the tools you’ve vetted and invite them to try them out with their chapter leader peers.”
Every chapter faces the same event challenges. First, they must decide which type of event to host: in-person, hybrid, or virtual. Then, they must design the attendee experience, which means making decisions about safety, format, content, networking, revenue partners, and event technology. You can help chapters navigate this new event environment by providing the guidance and resources they need to make wise decisions, host safe, and compelling event experiences.
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