Another association that decided to restructure their chapter model was the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP). “Our data was telling us that the primary reason people left the organization or did not renew after their first year was the chapter experience,” said IAAP’s president and CEO Jay Donohue, CMP, CAE.
Since 2002, Peggy Hoffman and Peter Houstle at Mariner Management have been talking about the need for associations to take a hard look at their chapter model. “And now, the idea is really entering the final phase as we see more and more organizations looking to evolve their chapter model,” said Peggy.
What do they think associations should consider? In an ASAE Collaborate discussion, Peter suggested “a unified single corporate structure where chapter administrative functions are all managed centrally.” This model “eliminates the need for volunteers to take on association management tasks for which they are usually unqualified.” He added, “This may have been viewed as an impossible task for an association a decade ago, but 21st century technologies have made this not only a feasible, but a far superior model for associations to develop and sustain a consistent, meaningful local presence.”