One of the biggest frustrations we hear about from national associations is the difficulty they have getting their chapters to share member data—and share it without National having to nag them for it.
Without a reliable and standardized method of collecting, sharing, and reporting data and information, you can’t easily identify who’s joined, paid, and renewed. How many members does the chapter really have? Is membership/retention trending down or up? What type of programs are they hosting? How often?
A lack of standard data sharing and reporting also slows down dues processing at National if staff has to take the time to contact chapters to verify names and numbers. For example, if the chapter is supposed to send $50/member to National, but you don’t know how many members the chapter has, the process (and sense of trust) can get complicated (and compromised) quickly.
You need accurate chapter data and information to assess membership and financial trends, evaluate chapter performance, and know what activities help grow chapters and engage members. If you can provide better chapter analytics to your colleagues in the membership, marketing, and education departments, they can use that data to plan more effective programs and marketing campaigns. A unified process can help you analyze chapter data and share chapter best practices.
Find out if chapters know which type of data they should collect from members
Make sure they understand how this data is used by National and how they could use it too.
Survey chapters to see what accounting systems they currently use. Take advantage of this opportunity to upgrade them from Excel spreadsheets and checkbooks.
Work with your accounting team to understand what payment formats are most helpful and useful to them
What are their pain points with the dues process?
- Rebating money back down to chapters?
- Deferred revenue?
- Time spent on reconciliations?
- Reporting from chapter to national?
Get the accounting team involved in developing solutions to solve these problems.
Identify the costs of your current process on staff time and revenue, including the lost opportunities to deliver value and spend more time on strategic and value-laden tasks.
- How many hours does the process take now every month?
- How many inefficiencies exist?
- Why hasn’t the process been changed?
- How do you make change/improvement a priority?
- Integrate data at the local level into the national AMS.
- Integrate chapter accounting systems with National.
- Provide a standard chapter accounting system. Because of the annual turnover in volunteer chapter leaders, the new system must be easy-to-learn and user-friendly.