re:Members AMS Improved AOC's Overall Health & Sustainability

Read the full story about how AOC now knows exactly how many members paid in a click of a button thanks to re:Members AMS and re:Members Chapter Performance!

About the Association

The Association of Old Crows (AOC)

The Association of Old Crows (AOC) is an international nonprofit professional organization specializing in electronic warfare, tactical information operations, and associated disciplines. re:Members AMS is the AMS provider for AOC.

The Problem

Global Associations Face Unique Challenges

Global associations like The Association of Old Crows (AOC) face unique challenges. With 70 chapters worldwide and more than 14,000 members worldwide, AOC is forced to grapple with issues such as different regulations from country to country and associated mountains of red tape. Managing finances while staying in compliance with international laws was difficult. To further complicate matters, whenever local AOC chapters held their own events, HQ was unable to access registration lists in order to convert leads into new members. This was nothing short of a logistical nightmare.

The Solution

Improving Their Overall Health & Sustainability

With the integration between re:Members AMS and re:Members Chapter Performance, they know exactly how many members paid in a click of a button. These powerful tools now enable AOC to funnel all its banking through their software, eliminating the need for chapter leaders to circumvent international laws by doing things like putting chapter funds in their personal bank accounts. Additionally, HQ can now access registration lists for events, enabling them to follow up on leads and continue to grow. This has an ongoing impact on the overall health and sustainability of the organization.

  • “They can finally see that Bob Smith, who comes to all their meetings, is not a member, so he’s not paying anything to get chapter benefits.”

    Shelley Frost, IOM
    Executive Director

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